Fueled By Hemp | Manitoba Harvest Hemp Heart Bars

#fueledbyhemp3You know that episode of The Office at Pam and Jim’s wedding when Michael turns to Pam’s mom and asks if she has a snack and well she does? That’s me except this has been the case for many years before having children. I have always been that person that has to have a snack in their bag where ever they go. These snacks aren’t just for myself but for anyone I’m with who might be hungry especially my husband. To keep up with supply and demand I am always keep a variety of bars in my bag. 

#fueledbyhemp 2

The newest addition to my snack bar supply is Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Heart Bar. There are three different flavours- chocolate, apple cinnamon and vanilla and these bars contain 10 grams of plant based protein and 10 grams of omegas. Basically these bars pack a nutritional punch. 


Now I’ll say this about these bars they taste like you’re eating a flavored, lightly sweetened handful of hemp seeds. Their taste is nutty and they are sweet without being sugary. If you love hemp seeds you’ll be all over these bars. My favorite of the three flavors is the vanilla. What flavor do you like/would you like to try?

Instagram Contest:

Tag @manitobaharvest #hempheartbar #fuelledbyhemp #sweatpink @fitapproach for a chance to win a box of your favorite flavor of Hemp Heart Bars! Photos do not need to include Manitoba Harvest products, but of course it’s fabulous if they do.

Full contest details are here: http://manitobaharvest.com/fuelledbyhemp

Eligibility: open to US and Canada residents

The discount code hhbarlaunch1015 will get you 15% off!

Expires 3/31/2016

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Manitoba Harvest in partnership with Fit Approach. All opinions are my own.

Healthy Snack Ideas for the New Year | Featuring Blue Diamond Almonds

This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.-3

This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.

Happy New Year! I don’t know about you but these past few weeks I have been eating out more, indulging in a few extra sweets and I surely haven’t had enough water. I know it might be a bit cliche but I’m ready to get back on track for the new year. We have so many exciting plans this year from a potential bigger trip, hopefully a new addition to the family (TTC #3) and living a more minimalist and conscious life. For me a big part of living a more conscious life is being more aware of the food I put in my body and eating as healthy as possible but also leaving room for some more indulgent treats and meals along the way. 

I have spent the past few weeks evaluating what I eat and how it makes me feel as well as things I could improve upon. I have noticed that I have been doing a lot less snacking which might work for some people but I just end up ravenous come meal time and end up eating a lot larger meals which in the end makes me feel full and a bit tired. To keep my energy levels up so I can chase two little ones I am working on incorporating more snacks and smaller meals into my day.

When it comes to snacking you won’t find me eating a rice cake and three carrot sticks. My requirements for snacks are that they must be satisfying, quick, easy and taste good. One snack I have been really into these days are apple rounds with a spread of nut butter and toppings such as nuts, seeds, dried fruit, coconut flakes and chocolate chips.  My favorite combo right now is Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds, tart dried cherries and maple vanilla almond butter.


When I am on the go I need quick and easy snacks that I can just toss in a bag and eat while out at a playdate, running errands or on a hike. For me this is often an apple, banana or orange and some nuts. Because I like to have a little chocolate everyday I enjoy incorporating it into a daily snack. Since mandarins are in season right now I have been enjoying a few of those, a handful of lightly salted Blue Diamond Almonds and a square of chocolate. There is something about orange and chocolate that I just absolutely love; reminds me of the chocolate oranges I used to get as a child. I also love a big bowl of berries and almonds during berry season, add a piece of dark chocolate and you’ve got the perfect snack. This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.-4

Having easy to go to snacks like these have been great lately. I know we are only a few days into the new year but I am already feeling like I am on a healthier path and that 2016 is going to be an amazing year. I am still working on my goals for the new year but plan to share them with you soon. Until then share some of your goals and/or your favorite healthy snacks in the comments below. Would love some additional inspiration!