May in Review & Goals | June 2016

June 2016 Goals

How is it already June? I feel like the last few months have been flying and I just can’t seem to keep up! I’m not even really sure what I did in May it went so fast. I spent a lot of the month focusing on my passions (health coaching and essential oils). I made time for yoga and meditation and it feels amazing to be back at it. I also spent a lot of the month persuading my 22 month old to go to sleep because apparently this is the month he decided to learn to put words together, count, and so many other things – the developmental spurt is running wild and making sleep something that mama and dada are missing out on (and work because by the time we do get him to bed I’m ready for bed). 

Anyways lets review those May goals…

May Goals 

+Post at least two times per week. This just didn’t happen. Not for a lack of content but because life. I have about 10 post drafts saved and/or scribbled on a sheet of paper that ARE going to go up this month.

+Create an editorial calendar.  I actually started this and while I still need to fill in some holes I’m pretty excited about what I have lined up.

+Workout at least 20 days in May. This was ambitious for me and it didn’t quite happen. I actually stopped tracking but I can tell you I tried a few new yoga studios, went to the gym a few times and walks with the kids.

+Put the phone down. I am still working on this but I felt I did okay this month. If you follow me on snapchat (username: lindsayingalls if you don’t) you’ll see I have taken to putting my phone into my vanity drawer so that I wouldn’t be tempted to pick up my phone everytime I passed it on the counter. This actually works pretty well to keep my email and social media checking to a minimum.

So I’d give May a B in regards to how successful I was with my goals. Lots of room for improvement but still feeling pretty good about everything. 

Now on to the June goals…

June Goals 

+Spend (at least) 30 minutes per day doing something related to self development. I have been thinking a lot lately about self development and looking at the areas of my life that could use a little extra attention. Right now I’m really thinking about where I am focusing my energy and working to shift to things that are more positive and supportive. I’m also working to improve myself as a business woman and as part of that I am excited to be participating in Food Entrepreneur Summit this week.  

+Write Daily I have so many ideas and topics that I want to share with all of you but the thing is unless I write it down the ideas sometimes don’t make it from my head to my blog/social media. So I’m going to write daily in order to record ideas and to also make room for more ideas and inspiration.

+Workout. Workout period. Just do it. I’m not going to give amounts of time and such I just want to make working out regular. Right now I have one gym session today and two yoga classes and a barre3 class planned for this week. We also have some hiking planned.

+Post Dinner Walks. As a family we used to be really great about getting out for a walk right after dinner but lately we just fell out of the routine. This month I want to get back at it because it’s great for digestion, it’s a bonding time for us a family and it’s a nice way for the kids to get out a bunch of energy and for me to get a bit of energy for post-bedtime work. It’s also just a wonderful way to for us to do something positive for our health.

+Eat More Simply. I am known for taking on a little too much when it comes to the kitchen. I just love creating meals and playing around in the kitchen but to be honest my over ambitious nature in the kitchen hasn’t been working in my favor lately. Instead of creating inspiring meals I have been turning to convenience meals or eating out because when I do my meal planning I just take on too much. So this month it’s about simplifying things in order to make eating healthier, cheaper and less stressful (p.s. blog post coming on all of this soon!) 

So June is about self development, fitness, family and living life a little more simply and healthfully. 

What are you June goals? 

April in Review & Goals | May 2016

Goals May 2016

Happy May 1st! This past month life shifted a bit and the goals that I set in March didn’t all go as planned but I’ll be honest I’m pretty happy with how my month went regardless of how my goals went. The first three months of the year were not great for me but April was a nice change. I spent the month offline more than I had planned so that is why you will see there were only two post last month. It wasn’t intentional but I let life, learning and fun be the focus of my month rather than the internet. Now I’m feeling re-inspired, re-charged and ready to take on May but first let’s review my April goals. 

April Goals

+Create more blog content. [FAIL] I am seriously laughing as I read this. I honestly probably had one of my slowest months for blog content this past month. Life was good this month but busy and I just chose to focus on other things and not feel guilty about it. In the past I would have put out mediocre posts just to keep up content but this month I just mentally needed a break. I needed to focus on other things and spend more of my time offline.  

+Carve out time each week to work. [Still In Progress] This goal wasn’t a complete fail but it wasn’t a complete win. I started off the month slow and just wasn’t making time for my work but by the end of the month I had set up a schedule and May will be the first month on this schedule so fingers crossed it goes as planned! 

+10 Gym Workouts + Daily Workouts. [Successful Enough] I am not sure how many times I made it to the gym, I am going to say seven times but I did get in regular home workouts. I am feeling really good about my workouts this month so much so that I’ll share it all in an upcoming post.

+Clean up my diet. [Still Working On] I would say that this goal was fairly successful. My month was filled with tons of veggies and fruit but there was also a lot of bread and some other packaged foods that I want to crowd out over time. So this is an ongoing goal.

+Get out for at least three social events. [Fail] I only ended up getting out once this month. I was hopefully to do more but it just didn’t happen. I will say this though I have two social events this first week of May so I am starting out strong at least! 

May Goals 

+Post at least two times per week. I am ready to get my content back up and flowing across all of my blogs so two times per week per blog seems reasonable. 

+Create an editorial calendar.  I know I have been blogging for far too many years and I have yet to master the editorial calendar. This month I would like to set up a calendar that has ideas ready to go for three months out. Also I’ll take any post requests at this time! 

+Workout at least 20 days in May. Whether it’s at the gym, at home or outside I am making it my goal to get in at least 20 days of workouts. I also have a few personal training sessions to schedule and take and I’m so excited! 

+Put the phone down. While I haven’t been on my computer as much this month I have been on my phone a lot. It’s easy to check in on social media or to pop onto snapchat (username: lindsayingalls if you want to follow) all day long but honestly it’s not very productive. I’m working on not using my phone during none “working” hours with the exception of needing to make a call or look something up such as directions or business hours. 

So basically this month is all about creating more, being more productive and continuing to get my fitness back. 

What are your goals for May? 

March in Review & Goals | April 2016


March was one of those months where I am wondering where it went and how is it possible that I haven’t gotten anything done. Okay that’s a bit dramatic but March was a terrible month when it comes to goals and productivity. We had family in town for a large chunk of the month which essentially through our lives off track for an extended period of time. Now April is just days away and I am ready to restart but let’s review my March goals just for laughs. 

March Goals 

+Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 

I really thought that this would be the one goal that I would accomplish but if I’m being real I loved the first two sections of the book but by the third I just lost interest. The book ended up in our car and I just forgot about it. Maybe I’ll give it another try, maybe. 

+Workout at the gym 10 times.

This would be the goal I am the saddest about not accomplishing because I really wanted to make it to the gym 10 times but as I said above life was thrown a bit off track. I ended up at the gym five times and did a few home workouts and got out for lots of walks when we were in Bend

+Create an editorial. 

Yeah that editorial calendar? Still in the works but hey maybe I’ll finish it tomorrow and my goal will be accomplished in the month of March.  

+Visit Tea Bar. 

Yay! One of the goals that I actually did accomplish! Hubby and I went for a day date and we each had a boba tea and it was super tasty. PROOF.

+Focus on improving my Instagram accounts.

I think I am just re-evaluating this all together. I don’t feel too bad about not accomplishing this goal. I have been really focusing more on blog content for this blog (RWT), Naturally Family (NF) and my beauty(ish) blog Naturally Lindsay (NL). 

So now that we have reviewed last month let’s see what’s on the agenda this month.

April Goals

+Create more blog content.

I have so many blog post ideas just buzzing around in my head but what I really need to do is actually write them down and share them with you. Ideally I would like to post 8 posts to RWT, 6 posts to NF and 4 posts to NL. 

+Carve out time each week to work.

I find myself scrambling to get work done through out the day but I rarely get any uninterrupted time to actually work. A post or project that would normally take me 30-40 minutes often take closer to 60+ with interruptions such as the littles needing something, a playdate, housework, meals, etc. This month I am taking making time to have 2-4 hours each week that are just for me to work. 

+10 Gym Workouts + Daily Workouts.

Let’s try this again. I want to do 10 gym workouts minimum this month. I also want to get at least 10 minutes of workouts each day this month whether that’s (at least) 10 minutes of yoga, barre3, running, weights, HIIT, or walking.

+Clean up my diet.

I have been eating a lot of foods lately that haven’t been making me feel healthy and energized. This month I’m getting my diet back on track to lots of fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains. 

+Get out for at least three social events.

These events don’t have to be huge it could simply be getting out for a drink or dinner with a friend or it could be a blogger event or something similar. Just something that takes me out of the house, forces me to put on real pants and has me interacting with other adults. 

Goals are set so it’s time to put them into action!

Share In The Comments Below: What are you goals for this month?

12-Weeks to a Happier and Healthier Life | Weeks 5 & 6

I wish I had a grand update for this week but I don’t. I didn’t drink enough water, I did a total of about 70 minutes of barre3 (and that was only two days of actually working out) and I started The Orange Rhino Challenge but I’m back on day zero. So all those goals from last week are being moved to weeks 7 & 8. So let’s do this thing. 

Goals for Weeks 5 & 6 7&8:

  1. (Dietary Goal) Drink 64oz of water everyday. I had been drinking close to a gallon of water everyday for a few weeks but in the past two weeks I haven’t been filing my water jar as frequently as I should. So cheers to drinking more water.
  2. (Physical Goal) Do 10+ minutes of barre3 online each day. Let’s try this again. Anyone want to be my accountability partner?
  3. (Mental Goal) Read and start The Orange Rhino Challenge. Being a stay-at-home mom of two little ones can be rewarding and fun but also exhausting and frustrating (usually all in the same day). If you know me you know I have a bit of a fiery personality and while my goals is be a gentle and warm parent I have my moments where I can be short and lose my patience. The thing is I don’t want to be short or lose my patience. I want to be calm, warm and in control of my emotions. You can read more about the challenge here

To leave things on a positive note I attended The Hello Sessions and I just feel renewed. Ready to to take on all my goals and follow through with my projects. It was an amazing experience. So here’s to getting back on track on all accounts. 

Featured Photo Credit: Linnea Paulina for The Hello Sessions