FITNESS FRIDAY| Race Training Plans & DietBet Before


Let’s start this off by saying I did not follow my workout plan schedule at all this week. I did get out for a few good walks with the new BOB Revolution Flex Dualie but otherwise I didn’t go to yoga or do any strength training or running. Let’s call this week a wash and focus on the next. 

So now that we have talked about what I didn’t do this week let’s talk about what I plan on doing over the next 30ish weeks. Yes I plan on taking 30 weeks to train for my quarter marathon because when you have only gone on five runs in the past 12 months getting back to running takes time and for me it takes a good amount of time.

I plan on following a hybrid version of Jeff Galloway’s 5k and 10k plans starting with a few extra slow start weeks. Over the next three weeks I’m starting out slow with the goal to get in three 15-20 minute runs in each week. After that I will follow the Galloway 5k plan and then continue into the 10k plan based on where the 5k plan ends.

Along with training for my race I am making the commitment to myself and my yoga practice. I have a 10-class punch pas with only 1 punch out it so at least for the next 9ish weeks I will be going to at least one class per week. In addition to training and yoga I need to get back to a regular strength training routine so that is on the agenda as well. 

Okay so here is the last part of this post…

DietBet Before Photos

Dietbetbeforephotoside dietbetbeforephotofront

Now I debated telling you my starting weight and maybe I will but honestly I am embarrassed. I know that I need to be kind to myself and remember that over the last three years I have been pregnant twice and am now nursing so this will all take time. Nevertheless the number is not my favorite. That being said I will tell you my 4% that I need to lose to win is about 9lbs so from that if you really want to figure out the math you can figure out my starting weight. 

As I shared on Wednesday my goal and purpose for hosting and participating in this DietBet is to get myself back on track. It’s to work with others to accomplish our health and fitness goals and if I happen to lose the 9lbs I need to be able to win then great. I am not going to be cutting tons of calories or working out for 4 hours a day (not like I have time). Also first and foremost comes making sure that I keep my milk supply up because feeding Alder is my priority. 

So here I go. The journey officially starts on Monday and will last for 28 days. At the end of it I will share with you just how much I did lose and my final photos. Along the way I’ll check in with how things are going and other related things. 

*These are not my official photos that I submit to DietBet. Tomorrow I will take new photos one of me on the scale airport security style and one of the number on the scale with my weigh in word. You can learn more about that here.

Learn more about the RWT DietBet game and how you can join! 

BODY AFTER BABY| DietBet & My Eating For Energy E-Book

I blogged a few weeks ago about my Body After Baby plans and well I guess now is a better time than ever to jumpstart this process.


 I was approached a few months ago about hosting a DietBet game and at the time I wasn’t taking on a new projects but after lots of consideration I have decided to host my own DietBet starting October 27th!

I’m at that place where I know all of the things I need to do to help lose the weight but more than that get myself back to that healthy state that I once was in but I could use a little support. I know the health changes I need to make (ie. improve eating, get my body moving more, drink more water, take more time for myself, ect.) and I know that when I have the support of others I am more likely to achieve my goals.  

That all being said I have been a health coach for four (almost five) years now and I have been working to support a number of individuals to achieve a variety of health and fitness goals and after taking a little bit of time off from actively working I’m ready to get back at it. So my first goal is to help guide my DietBet team through this journey by providing health coaching support through healthy living tips, recipes, e-mail support and weekly check-ins and hopefully you’ll find support from each other as well.

DietBetting is about believing in yourself and investing in your health. It’s not about crash diets or other unhealthy modes of weight loss (I would like to make it clear I do not support or endorse unhealthy modes of weight loss.) It’s about saying that YOU ARE WORTH IT! You are worth the small $25 and you are worth the time. Who’s ready to join me and the others who have already signed up? Still unsure? Keep reading. 

Sign up today and receive my Eating for Energy E-Book. 

eating for energy

This book is filled with tips on how to increase your energy while making improvements to you diet and lifestyle. Learn what foods help to increase energy and what foods decrease energy. Also included is a delicious energizing menu to help you get started. So are you ready to join me now? No? Well consider this then creating an account is free and they can join a game and check it out for 7 days and still get a full refund if they decide it’s not for you. 

I hope that you join me and we can spend the next 28 days working together to accomplish our weight loss and health goals. Don’t worry this game will end in plenty of time for you to weigh in before heading out to Thanksgiving dinner (and you won’t have to worry about it during the Holiday). 

Have you ever participated in a DietBet? Why did you or why have you decided to participate in the RWT DietBet game?

September 2014 (I'll post my before photos this Fitness Friday)

September 2014 (I’ll post my before photos this Fitness Friday)

So why did I decide to host and participate in a DietBet? Well it’s no secret that I’d like to lose a few pounds (or 60+ in the next 24 or so months). While I’m not sure that I will lose 4% of my body weight (that’s around 9lbs) I do think that it’s a good way to jump start my postpartum weight loss. My goal with this game is to create a community of players who can support each other with the main goal to be to create healthy eating and workout habits.

While winning the game would be great I think that is really just a bonus. I want to focus on eating well, working out and taking care of ourselves with the support of each other. Sometimes we just need to connect with others to help us jump start or maintain our healthy habits. So rather than thinking about this as a weight loss game I would like you to think about it as an opportunity to connect with others and find support to help lose weight. I would like to be clear that I do not support or endorse unhealthy measures to lose weight (ie. crash diets, diet pills, eating disorders) this game is about making healthy lifestyle changes to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Disclaimer: I received a credit to participate in this game. Neil is also participating and he paid for his own admission into the game. 

TRAINING | First Postpartum Race | Hippie Chick Quarter

I did it. I registered for my first postpartum race and I am so excited. 


Back last late April I participated in a Fitfluential twitter chat with Hood to Coast Race Series and I won a free race entry to the 2014 Hippie Chick Quarter and Half Marathon. Since at the time I was about 7 months pregnant I wasn’t up for running or walking that far so I asked if I could defer my race entry to 2015 and they kindly agreed. Since then I have been waiting for the 2015 race registration to open and it finally did last week. As soon as I received the e-mail I signed myself up for the quarter run and Edith up for the kids fun run.

Now you might be wondering why not the half and I really debated doing the half but as some of you might remember I participated in the 2013 Hippie Chick Quarter and I went right from basically not running to four runs per week training from late January through May and I just burnt myself out. I didn’t want to do that again so I am starting earlier and getting myself back into it. I really didn’t want to over commit and besides I have been roped into (just kidding I want to) registering for the Portland Half Marathon next Fall.

Also fun side note unless I find a 5k I want to do before the Hippie Chick it will also be my first postpartum race with Alder just like it was with Edith! 

hippie chick 2013

I’m really looking forward to the race and am curious to see how things are run this time around. The race has since changed organizers since I did it last and I know that Hood To Coast Race Series puts on some great races so it should be a fun time. I know Edith is thrilled to run the kids race too. 

So I must ask –> Would you like to read weekly or bi-weekly training updates? Do you have any questions?

What was your first race or first postpartum race? How did you prepare? 


I call this “the real plan” because back in June when I wrote my postpartum weight loss plan those were all just ideas of what I would like to do. Now here we are 7+ weeks postpartum, have dealt with my postpartum realities and I’m ready to take on the task of refocusing on my health.


Photo from this weekend. 7weeks1day postpartum with Alder (baby #2).

I am currently 20 pounds away from my pre-baby #2 starting weight and I am 40 pounds away from my pre-baby #1 starting weight.  Add in another 15 pounds that I had hanging on me before my pregnancy with Edith bringing the grand total to 65 pounds away from my happy weight (I’d say I’m about 80 pounds from my idea weight but that’s a whole other plan).

Right now I have three goals based on the above considerations. Goal 1: Lose 20 pounds. Goal 2: Lose 40 pounds. Goal 3: Lose 65 pounds. Now I’m not setting a timeline but I will say that I’d like to accomplish goal #3 by December 2016.

August before my pregnancy with Alder.

August before my pregnancy with Alder.

So let me start off by saying my first priority is nourishing my baby boy and taking care of myself. I am nursing and it’s going great and here are no plans to stop anytime soon so I needed to take that into consideration when I created this plan. So here it goes (based on my original postpartum weight loss plan) …

I plan to get back to running at around 9-12 weeks postpartum. Based on my original plan I said 9-12 weeks postpartum and I’m actually feeling pretty great. I have days that are better than others when it comes to healing ie. I still have some light spotting and soreness when I am overly active but have been cleared to start run/walk at 8 weeks postpartum  That being said I am planning to start couch to 5k (or something similar) next weekend. I am terrified but also excited to get back at it. My plan is to slow (not like that will be hard) and just ease myself back into running.

I plan to incorporate 2 days of strength training into my workout routine and light cardio once I am cleared to get back to normal activity. I haven’t started strength training but my plan is to start this week.  What I have been doing is lots of walking and just this weekend a little bit of hiking. Oh and running up and down three flights of stairs many times per day is getting my ass in shape. So that all being said I’m keeping up with the walking and will be incorporating in strength.

I also plan to get back in a yoga routine. This starts this week! I signed up for my first postpartum class for this Monday night and I can’t wait to get back in the studio. I am starting back slowly with some restorative yoga and let me tell you I just can’t wait. I am going to be doing one class weekly or bi-weekly until my punch pass runs out.  I am also planning to do at least one at home sesh per week.

Keep my eating in check! Bah. This has seriously been the hardest. Nursing is no joke and my appetite is often off the charts. Combine that with a busy toddler, trying to keep house and limited time I haven’t been doing my best at eating well. I have been eating far too many sweets and not enough fruits and vegetables. The plan is to BUY more fruits and vegetables because if we have them in the house we will eat them. The second plan is to buy/make less desserts.  The third and probably most important thing is to menu plan so that #1 and #2 can be successful.

Drink lots of water! When I was pregnant with Alder I had no problem downing (reusable) bottle after (reusable) bottle of water. For some reason postpartum I have been struggling with this despite always being thirsty. My goal is to drink, drink, drink and drinks some more water. Cut back on the coffee and up the water intake.

Buy myself postpartum clothes in whatever size I have to buy. This is easier said than done but I did it. I bought myself (with some gifted from my parents): three bottoms (one of which is already too big), six tops and two pairs of shoes because my feet also grew. I was also sent a few nursing tops for review.  My follow-up to this plan is to continue to buy clothes in whatever size I am at the time aka as I lose weight. I have the next size down in a lot of clothes and as soon as I lose a little weight and my hips (hopefully) shrink a bit they will fit me and then after that I will have to buy all new clothes because I have nada.

Have Fun and Enjoy Life. Stop focusing solely on the number and focus on how I feel. I have two beautiful, healthy children and an amazing, supportive partner and they need met to happy and healthy and to enjoy life with them.

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Run Edith Run!

Neil had his second of three 5 dollar 5k‘s this past Sunday. At each of the 5k’s they have a kids fun run to kick off race morning and at the first 5 dollar 5k we just watched but this time Edith wanted to run. We woke up bright and early, got out the door 15 minutes later than planned (aka the new normal) and we headed to our old neighborhood for Neil’s 5k and Edith’s first race. We parked and as soon as she was out of her carseat she was ready to run.  Edith was raring to go so Neil headed to the starting line to check in while I tended to Alder. When I finally arrived to the starting line I saw this:


Seriously dying! I know she’s mine but come on how cute is she all done up with her Nike’s?

$55kedithsmiles $55kfinishline

As she arrived at the finish line E got a little distracted by my parents who were standing just at the end (as you can see above). I have to admit I teared up as E and Neil came into view and headed toward the finish line. I loved witnessing this moment and it just got me excited for the future.


E had an absolute blast at her first race and she spent the remainder of the day talking about how she ran and how she wants to run again.  She is so excited for the next race in October and I couldn’t be more thrilled that she is so enthusiastic about running right now.

Check out more photos and a video over on Naturally Family.