Health & Fitness Check-In | 11.16.15

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 7.46.54 AMWe are half way through the month, so I thought I would take a few minutes to update you on how things are going in the health and fitness department. I am a complete mixed bag of emotions on both fronts but I will start by saying things are moving in the right direction regardless of how I am feeling in the moment. 

Back at the beginning of the month I brought back the incentive program and I’m feeling a bit mixed about how I am doing this month. Just as I started the program, I got hit with a stomach bug and immediately following that a cold that has left me coughing, tired and extremely congested. That being said, my workouts have not been how I had originally planned. Neil is also taking on this incentive workout challenge and he is doing amazing with getting out for runs and going to yoga class and weight training classes and I am having a hard time not comparing our activity levels. 

The workouts I have been getting in are a lot of walks with the littles. I don’t think I mentioned this before but in conjunction with my own incentive workout I have also taken on the Hike It Baby November 30 miles challenge which is basically to get out for 30 miles in the month with your littles. So some walks I will throw them in the double BOB and off we go and other days we do a littles led walk/hike which means at a snails pace. So far we (the littles and I) have just over 16.5 miles and 722 minutes this month. 

The reality is I am feeling better and more active now but how active have I really been? I mean we get out everyday rain or shine, sick or well, but with being sick for the past 10 days I haven’t been active at the level that I had intended for this challenge. That being said I am reevaluating this months challenge. 

This month I was to do (at least) 30 minutes of activity for 21 out of 30 days this month. So far I have been active 11 out of 21 days with 14 more days to go. I see myself achieving this goal or even surpassing it but not in the way I had intended. That being said I won’t be taking the monetary incentive this month but I am not going to penalize myself either. 

Now you can see why I feel a mix of emotions around this situation. I feel like on paper I have been accomplishing my goals but my body and mind doesn’t agree. I am also considering that even though I haven’t been going out for a run or a class like Neil with how sick I have been this week that unlike the previous month I at least forced myself to get out of the house with the kids in spite of feeling like crap. 

So what do you think? Should I consider this challenge a wash and penalize myself? How do you deal with feeling like you haven’t accomplished your goals?