Wanderlusting: Yoga Fun
Bah! I have been so crazy busy lately between a weekend of backpacking, then trying to get all my work in line before heading off to Wanderlust for the weekend; now I’m back and trying to get myself back on track.
Our weekend was absolutely amazing even though it rained 98% of the time. I started Thursday off with a Kundalini yoga class with Kia Miller; it was really amazing! It was the first Kundalini class I have ever taken and it was hard but so much fun. After my Kundalini class I was starving and took a rainy walk down to the vegan cafe that was onsite for a delicious lunch of Indian curry, rice and salad and a piece of cashew cheese cake that I split with Neil. Unfortunately do to my extreme hunger I downed the food so fast I didn’t get a photo and heads up no photo of any other food #fail. In the afternoon I took a workshop with Desiree Rumbaugh on knees, lower back and hips. Desiree has so much energy and she is absolutely hilarious! I loved her class so much and learned a lot about alignment and ways to relieve pains in the lower back, knees and hips. Thursday night Neil and I had veggie burgers and a beer at one of the restaurants on site and ended up in bed early because we were so exhausted from traveling down, camping out Wednesday night and yogaing all day.
On Friday I started the morning off with an early yoga class with Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman- I died a little bit when I saw Rodney Yee. This was the one class I was looking forward to most after years of doing Rodney Yee yoga videos at home I was finally sitting in his presence. The class was amazing! Colleen and Rodney took turns leading the class. To my delight (I died a little more) Rodney Yee adjusted me in a pose- MADE MY DAY haha; I’m totally geeking out as I write this so you can just imagine what I was feeling during this class. After my yoga class I went to a SpeakEasy with Majora Carter who is known for her greening efforts in the South Bronx. I took a break after this and headed back to the hotel to relax for a bit and enjoyed hummus wraps with Neil for lunch. After lunch I had my second yoga class of the day and second class with Desiree Rumbaugh this time a workshop for neck and shoulders. Again I loved this class! Desiree easily became my favorite teacher of the weekend. I learned so much in the class but was sad when it was over so fast. Friday night we met up with our friend Catherine and went to dinner at a restaurant onsite and then spent the remainder of the night working on blog posts and articles; the work never ends.
Saturday was the busiest day of all and the best because I got to take two classes with my husband! It was so nice because our first class of the morning was with Desiree Rumbaugh and it was a playful flow class. In the class we did a lot of partner work and it was so nice to be able to practice with Neil. I even did a handstand with support of Neil. After our class we went to the worst SpeakEasy ever with the author of The Athlete’s Plate; honestly the lecture could have been over in 5 minutes because the guy just kept repeating himself over and over and over. For lunch we had mini Lara bars, tastings of Honest Tea and humus wraps that we made in our room. In the afternoon Neil and I took one of John Friend’s classes which was such a great experience; it started off a little slow but we learned a lot and had a great time. After the class I went to a SpeakEasy featuring the founders of Wanderlust and Neil was lucky and took one of Sean Corne’s classes- he loved it- colour me jealous.
We ended up leaving early on Sunday due to a few things that came up and I missed out on what I imagined was an amazing class with Brian Kest and one with Schuyler Grant. Oh well there is always next year.
Summary/Wanderlust in Numbers:
- Yoga Classes Taken: 6
- Interviews Performed: 2
- Mini Lara Bars Eaten: 8
- Hummus Wraps Eaten: 3
- Beers Drank: 5
- Favorite Teacher: Desiree Rumbaugh
- Best Day to go to Wanderlust: Thursday; classes are 2 hours and less crowded
- Runs Done: 1; I only got a run in on Wednesday night because well I was crazy busy, it rained all weekend and I wasn’t paying to use the gym
- Hours Spent Blogging: 8
- What I would Do Next Year: I would schedule classes closer together and take 3 classes per day, pack more food and get a condo to cook in because vegan options are limited and CRAZY EXPENSIVE, oh and find more time to sleep.
Wanderlust Photos: