Birthday Dinner #1
As I see it a good start the morning can usually result in a good start to the day and what better way to start the day than with toast and tofu scramble?
We have to improvise a bit lately since we no longer have a toaster but it can be fun using our $2 camping toaster for fun. We had left over cheezy tofu scramble with lots of broccoli which was delicious before our crazy days started.
After a getting a cracked tooth filled and crazy day at work and prepping for another crazy day tomorrow I met up with my mom for a drink and a snack.
After we finished our drinks we met up with this guy:
C.V.L. Dad! (cook.vegan.lover. dad)
Then we did a little shopping and headed to A Single Pebble for dinner.
Also if you heckle the food blogger for photographing the food you suffer the consequences. Welcome to the blog post hall of shame:
Disclaimer: the blog post hall of shame is all in good fun don’t worry.