7 Ways to Reduce Waste
I am still working on setting intentions/goals for 2019 but one I know for sure is that I want to reduce our waste. The amount of waste that we make as a family is astonishing and I wonder what am I teaching my children? How can I better prepare them to take care of the world around us, create less of an impact and to really be intentional about how we live. So here are a few things I will be doing to help reduce our waste.
- Make a list of things you throw out every week/regularly. Are there items on this list that you could replace with reusable items or reduce packaging by buying in bulk?
- Shop with intention. Create a list and stick to it. When grocery shopping shop produce and the bulk section first. Also bring your reusable grocery, bulk and produce bags.
- Compost. If you live in a city that offers composting take advantage of it. If not consider options for renters or homeowners.
- Take advantage of Buy Nothing Groups. Tip: remember that you don’t need to take everything the intention is to offer up working items to others.
- Shop second hand stores and fix things rather than toss.
- Create a reusable travel pack. Include items such as cloth napkins, bamboo cutlery, water bottle, coffee mug and reusable straw.
- Go Paperless. Have receipts emailed to you and sign up for online bills.
What steps have you taken to reduce your waste?
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