Bad Hair Year

I didn’t make have time to blog this morning since for some reason my ‘To Do’ list just keeps getting longer and longer.  When will it ever end! I have a school and unpacking and planning to do OH MY!   Yes planning – my girlfriends and I are headed to Lexington MA for a girls weekend in just 2 weeks and I being the borderline obsessive planner that I am, am feeling anxious because I haven’t done much research! Now I don’t need a detailed itinerary or anything but rather ideas of what we can do – I basically want to know everything before I get there so I can just relax and do things while we are there- logical right?  Anyways all that being said I also am attempting to do some planning for or DC trip this fall as well.  So if you have any Lexington MA or DC suggestions tell me!

Since I didn’t blog this morning I also neglected to photograph my breakfast of Me & Goji cereal with banana and coffee. However I did get a photo of lunch which was simple and yet healthy and delicious: spinach salad with mushrooms, chickpeas and balsamic and of course my Earthlust bottle filled with water.

So as my blog title says ….I am having a bad hair year and I finally made an appointment to get my hair cut- you are probably saying yeah so, what does this have to do with healthy living or veganism?  Well it has everything to do with healthy living! By taking care of ourselves and doing things that make us feel great and present ourselves well is all part of a healthy lifestyle.  Now apperance is something that has taken a back seat for me in the past few years, and no it is not everything and I am not trying to be vain but it does make a difference.  Since I started my IIN holistic health counselor program I have been reminded that things like taking care of yourself are important and since I will be starting to see clients in the near future I think I should look the part.  That all being said I am having a hair crisis- I have no idea what to do! My hair is long and a mess and needs to be fixed so do you have any suggestions on new looks?

Q: How often do you get your hair cut? or do other things for yourself?

Dealing With A Loss

The Hubz and I were not going to publicize our pregnancy until we were at least 12 weeks so it may seem strange now that we have decided to publicize our loss. Last week, the day before our 8 week and first midwife appointment, something just didn’t seem right and after an ultrasound it was confirmed I had a miscarriage for the 2nd time. Over the last week we have been dealing with the loss of our pregnancy and are doing fine, it’s never an easy thing but we have the support of each other, our family, bosses and the few friends who knew.

So why am I writing this post and telling the world? I received a wonderful gift from Earth Mama’s today and I just felt like I should post and let others know that things like this happen even to healthy people and that there are great resources out there to deal with losses like ours.  I was originally going to do a post for Earth Mama’s about their tea but when I lost the pregnancy I let them know that I would no longer be doing a post and that the shouldn’t send the product to review.  They sent me the most kind and caring note back expressing their sympathy for our loss and to my surprise I received a few wonderful items today: Harmony Tea and Seeds of Hope.

It brings tears to my eyes that people I don’t even know can be so supportive and caring about our loss.  I think that it is important for others to know that there are things out there to comfort women who are dealing with loss of pregnancy. During our last miscarriage my husband and I felt lost and a lack of support resources.  There are so many resources out there for postpartum or loss of a child but miscarriages seem to get pushed to the side; for those of your who know someone that has experienced one or you yourself have know that it’s heartbreaking and an extremely emotional experience. I would like to note that Earth Mama’s have not asked me to do a review of these items but that they were sent as a sympathy gift and I felt that it was important to pass on that there are things out there for those who are dealing with such a loss.

During our last miscarriage Kristen Suzanne of Kristen’s Raw was such an inspiration and role model for me during our hard time.  Reading her posts helped me through my hard times; I actually went back to her post at this point and just felt more at peace with things because her fertility ups and downs have kept me positive.  I would like to mention that Kristen just had a baby girl Kamea which gives me hope that even with our struggles someday we will be able to have a our baby of our own. Congratulations Kristen & Hubby! I recommend that if you are pregnant, thinking of getting pregnant, are dealing with a pregnancy loss or fertility struggles Kristen is a great resource.

Once we move into our new apartment (hopefully this weekend) we will find a beautiful pot and plant our Seeds of Hope.  I want to thank everyone for their support during this hard time and say Hubz I love you.

Update: I just found out at I have extremely low progesterone which may be the reason why we have had issues staying pregnant; Do you know of any natural ways in which to increase progesterone levels?