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Thank you so much for all your supportive comments and tweets.  I’m still running on little sleep because I have to wake Neil up every two hours but we are both slowly getting energy back.  He is still in a good amount of pain but is feeling better now that he is home and in his own bed.  Unfortunately the pain killers make him sick to his stomach so keeping food down for him has been a challenge.  We have found that soygurt, toast, some fruit, water and ginger tea are the only things that work right now. The house is a mess and laundry is overflowing (Neil was supposed to do it Sunday) but I am lucky to have my mom not too far away and she will be by soon to help do laundry because unfortunately we have to go to the laundromat.

While he sleeps he dreams....(oh and no that is not a current photo- he sleeps in a real bed)

I am planning to go back to work tomorrow and I am lucky I only work 4 hours so that means I am only away from home for less than 5 hours.  Neil won’t be able to go to work for the remainder of this week and may try working from home next week.

Since we are no longer training for a half, I am going to change up my running routine a bit and just work on slowly increasing distance.  It’s going to be hard not to have a running buddy for the next month but I have worked so hard to get where I am that I can’t just stop.  The next race we plan to run is the Turkey Trot 5k in November and  then we are looking into a half marathon for next Spring with some shorter distances along the way.  It’s crazy how one event can change so many plans, but I guess you really can’t plan everything in life.  I am so happy that he is safe and alive – we can run a Disney Half another time.

Again thank you for the support.

To Do or Not To Do: Daily Blogging

To Blog (Daily) or Not to Blog (Daily)

To do or not to do that is the question.  I have been asking myself this question for years (CVL is almost 6 years old, including transition from Cooking For A Vegan Lover) and I have always debated whether or not I wanted to be a daily blogger. I currently blog most days but I tend to focus on feature/topic related posts rather than more personalized daily post like discussing what I’m eating, my life and everything else.  My hesitation in the past has been because of number of things such as:

  • Do I have time to commit to writing daily?
  • Do people really want to read about my whole life? and how much do I really want to share?

As I just wrote that I really thought I would have come up with more reasons why I hesitated really it’s just those 3 things.  So, I have now come back around to the idea of daily blogging and I am wondering should I or shouldn’t I? I feel like I can commit to writing daily and I feel like I really can share as much or as little as I want.  As for do people really want to read it? I have no idea- do you want daily life posts?