Currently 4.30.14

Currently: 27 Weeks Pregnant but here is a photo at 26 Weeks.

Currently: 27 Weeks Pregnant but here is a photo at 26 Weeks.

Thinking about: The ever growing to do list that I need to get to work on and the piles of laundry that need to be washed. After 10 days of being away I am super behind on a lot of things and I just haven’t had a chance to catch up. I am hoping I might find a little time this weekend but we also have a busy weekend ahead of us!

Feeling:  I am feeling GOOD. I am 27 weeks pregnant today and I feel good. I am also feeling a little sickness coming on though which isn’t a surprise since both E and N are nursing mild colds right now. I am also feeling anxious because in 13+/- weeks we will be welcoming a new family member- HOLY CRAP.

Watching: I have been The Following with Neil via Netflix and we started a weekly Friday night tradition to have a mini date night at home and catch up on The Black List. Also for guilty pleasure I just caught up on Switched at Birth via Netflix.

Reading: I have actually been reading lately. I know shocking. I finished The Casual Vacancy while we were away and I am half way through Orange is The New Black (and no I have not watched the series yet). I would love suggestions for new books!

Looking forward to:  The PDX bloggers event this weekend where I hope to learn a few new photography tricks. I am also looking forward to Mother’s Day Weekend because we are heading to the coast for a Mother’s Day/Anniversary/Father’s Day night away at the beach thanks to a gift certificate Neil received from work at Christmas time.

Making me happy: The beautiful weather. Hearing and watching E sing Rock-a-Bye Baby aka Rock Baby – seriously melts my heart. My amazing and supportive husband.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 2.18.14

Currently Craving: Another Date Night.

Currently Craving: Another Date Night.

Thinking about: So much, where should I start? Thinking about all the prep we need to do for baby #2. Thinking about an upcoming trip we are taking. Thinking about how I should see if the next session of swim classes has opened for sign-ups yet (for Edith). Thinking about the laundry I need to do. Thinking about how I need to go through my overflowing inbox and to do lists. Thinking about how leftovers from dinner might turn into a second dinner instead of lunch (hungry pregnant lady).

Feeling: Feeling better everyday. I still have afternoons that are less than desirable but overall the negative side effects of pregnancy are getting better. I am also feeling pretty lucky to have an amazing husband and child.

Watching: I have been watching the Olympics. Honestly I am not much of a winter Olympics fan but this year I am really into it. Also since we were snowed in for a few days recently I caught up on all the Parenthood episodes available on Netflix and Neil and I have been catching up on White Collar and The Black List.

Reading: I have been reading lots of cookbooks and trying to catch up on blogs.

Looking forward to: The weekend not for any special reason but simply because Neil is taking full advantage this week of some amazing concerts that are coming through Portland right now so I’ll be happy to have him home for the weekend.

Making me happy: Edith. Seriously this kid is hilarious and such an amazing little one to watch grow. I know every mom says this about their kid but I don’t care it’s true.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 1.23.14

Currently Craving: Harlow Vegan Mac & Cheese

Currently Craving: Harlow Vegan Mac & Cheese

Thinking about:  How much work there is to do in this house before baby #2 arrives. We are the WORST when it comes to moving in and settling into a new home. Our downstairs office is still filled with half empty boxes and is a super mess. I have piles and piles of clothes to wash and put away (goal for today) and we just really need to get things organized. So that is what I am thinking about right now. I am working hard to find time during the day to focus on organizing but some days it just doesn’t happen for example Tuesday Edith was having a super cranky toddler day which meant I got nothing done, but that’s fine because I got to spend lots of time cuddling with her. I am really working on creating weekly goals and chores to keep myself on track. What system do you use?

Feeling: So much better! This pregnancy, just like Edith’s, started out with extreme morning sickness and while I still have an off day/afternoon here and there for the most part I am on the up swing!

Watching: Neil and I have been working to cut back on TV but we just finally caught up on Haven. Actually I fell asleep last night during the season finale episode so I will probably catch up during Edith’s nap aka my break time.

Reading: Nothing. I know I need to change this.

Looking forward to: Our midwife appointment tonight! It will be our first official appointment with our new midwife (my primary doctor is also a midwife but she isn’t accepting births for July/August).

Making me happy: Watching Edith develop! She is starting to talk more and more everyday. She is just an amazing kid.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 1.3.14

Soy steamer – yum.

Thinking about:  Getting things back on track around here when it comes to cooking meals, blogging and just everyday life. Also thinking about the mail that is needing to be shipped out- I seriously hate going to the post office!

Feeling: A bit better but still nauseous at times and tired out. Luckily 10 weeks hit and things started to get better and I’m hoping that by 14 weeks I’ll be feeling a bit back to normal.

Watching: Neil and I have become addicted to the show Haven (it’s on Netflix).  It’s based off a Stephen King novel and is seriously good.

Reading: I have been trying to catch up on some of my favorite blogs but computer screens still aren’t my favorite thing right now. I also received a few books for Christmas from Neil that I’d really like to get started.

Looking forward to: Date night tonight with Neil. Celebrating Neil’s birthday this weekend. A day that doesn’t involve gagging (thanks pregnancy).

Making me happy: Watching Edith and Neil interact these past two weeks. She is seriously addicted to daddy right now and I’m not sure how she is going to take him going back to work after two weeks of seeing him all day every day.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.


Survival Mode

Screen Shot 2013-12-27 at 12.16.57 PMI know it’s been a bit since I last blogged and as much as I have been wanting to sit down and write it just hasn’t been happening. I am 9.5 weeks pregnant right now and nausea has not been a friend of mine. I basically have all day morning sickness and while I had bad nausea with Edith I didn’t have a toddler so it as a little easier. Most days I am up at 5am because I just can’t get back to sleep and then Edith is up by 6:30a and then from 7:30/8a – 6/7p I am at home with Edith where if I am lucky she will nap and I can take a nap with her. If she doesn’t nap then 9/10 times I am in bed with her at 7:30p because I am so exhausted I fall asleep while nursing her. As you can see computer time is then limited.

I am hoping that once I get closer to the second trimester my morning sickness will calm itself down and I can get back to a little bit of normalcy. While I have been feeling sick I have been trying to eat as well as I can and am still trying to get in 3-4 workouts per week. I just bought the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project and I am excited to start it.

Well that’s what I’ve been up to lately; what’s new with you?

Currently 12.23.13

Merry ChristmasThinking about:  Cleaning my house. Yeah I know not to exciting but after our holiday party Saturday my house needs a good cleaning. I’m also thinking about sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies.

Feeling: Tired. Nauseous at times. Pregnant.

Watching: I finished all the Supernatural on Netflix and now I am anxiously waiting for the last season to make it to Netflix. I haven’t really been watching much besides The Office (for the milionth time) and Neil and I have been keeping up with Top Chef.

Reading: I haven’t been reading much besides children’s books with Edith.

Looking forward to: The next two weeks! Neil is off for two whole weeks and I am thrilled to have him home. He has been working insane hours and this is a very necessary break.

Making me happy: My husband, family and friends and all their support for baby #2. Holiday parties. Christmas movies.

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 5.46.26 AM

p.s. I am doing an official pregnancy announcement on Naturally Family soon so if you have any questions you’d like me to answer please let me know!

Currently 11.27.13

Coffee RistrettoThinking about:  What I’m going to make for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We aren’t really big on Thanksgiving and we weren’t even supposed to be in town this year but due to Neil’s crazy work schedule the last two weeks we decided to cancel our Seattle Trip and stay home. So now I’m trying to figure out just what I will be making tomorrow.

Feeling: Good. Excited for the holidays. Tired out.

Watching: I’m still watching Supernatural – sometimes I wonder why but apparently I’m addicted and it gets me through the early bedtimes with Edith that happen 2 or 3 times per week. Otherwise that’s pretty much it. With Neil so busy at work we haven’t been watching much TV.

Reading: I have been trying to catch up on my blog reading but that’s about it. I have a few books that I plan on reading but honestly don’t see that until the new year or until I charge my ipad.

Looking forward to: Neil having four days off from work!! The PDX Macy’s Day Parade, we actually weren’t going to go but then I entered a giveaway and won VIP tickets! I am also looking forward to other holiday events like the tree lighting over on Mississippi Ave and decorating our house (yes that is an event).

Making me happy What I’m Thankful For: My hard working husband who is a loving caring partner and father. My beautiful daughter who is the light of my life. Living in a place that I love and being surrounded by wonderful friends and family both near and far. What are you thankful for?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.