Currently 11.17.14

Forest Park Hike breastfeeding

Doing: Sitting on the couch with my snuggly boy while Neil makes us breakfast. Also trying to plan out our week and get a little bit more organized. 

Thinking about: This is the last week of DietBet and well (not surprisingly) I am not close to my 4% weight loss goal. I say not surprisingly because to lose 9 pounds in one month as a breastfeeding mom is much more of a challenge.  Like I said before DietBet wasn’t just about losing the weight (which I have lost some of) it was also about making some healthy changes so right now I am thinking about what else I can do this week. 

Watching: Lately Neil and I have been really into watching The Good Wife. We are finishing up the first season right now and I am really loving it. 

Looking forward to: Next week! Neil will no longer be working on contract and will be fulltime as of the 24th (wahoo for him right?!) and that means our trip to Seattle next week will be so much more fun and relaxing. That being said for my local PNW friends if you have suggestions for Seattle please let me know because we didn’t love it our first time around but are really wanting to get the most out of this trip. 

Reading: I’ve been reading I’ll Seize The Day Tomorrow by Jonathan Goldstein.  For my Canadian friends and CBC radio listeners you probably know him his from WireTap show and if you enjoy listening to that then you will love this book. It is seriously hilarious to read and it has short sections so as a busy parent it makes reading in small spurts easy. 

Loving: Weekends with my little family especially when we get out and hike or go to the farmers market. 

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently. 10.7.14


Doing: Watching Gilmore Girls and passing a baby with an upset stomach back and forth. Also listening to Edith over the monitor as she makes all the sounds from the Potty book.

Thinking about: How much clutter this house is right now. We had an Ikea order dropped off yesterday which set into motion getting more things unpacked, furniture put together and other furniture moved around but with two kids and work the whole process takes a lot longer.  Things are coming along however and I am really loving our dining room area; now we just need to get ourselves a new dining room set.

Watching: see doing.

Looking forward to: The weekend! We are going to do some fruit harvesting with some other PDX bloggers and I can’t wait! We will be harvesting grapes and maybe apples. Then it’s off to dinner at a friends house and then Sunday I am getting my hair cut for the first time since April (!!).

Reading: I’ve been reading some preschool homeschool/activity books as I prepare for preschool homeschooling this winter.

Loving: I am loving all things pumpkin right now and it’s kind of crazy because I don’t usually go for the whole pumpkin spiced everything craze but this year the I’m all into it. I am also loving Neil for finally getting Alder to calm down and fall asleep – poor boy has an upset stomach I think (insert sad face).

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 9.14.14

Artichoke Blossom

Doing: We have moved into our new home and we are slowly getting settled in. We have unpacked most of our boxes and we are down to those boxes that I just don’t want to open and the ones that have things that I don’t know where to put the things in them. While our place is bigger the storage isn’t great especially in the kitchen. We have no place to put our small appliances and no pantry so right now we are using bookshelves from our office which means we are lacking storage in the office. Oh the fun of moving. I have to say we do really like our new place though and it’s so nice to be closer to Neil’s job.

Thinking about: How behind I am on so many projects. While we are settling in to our new place it also means that projects have kind of taken a backseat. I am thinking I need to get back on track. I am also thinking about getting back to regular workouts.  I am spending the next two weeks slowly easing back into things and then I am planning to start back run/walking per suggestion of my doctor/midwife.

Watching: I haven’t really been watching much but last night I broke out the Gilmore Girls. There is something about Autumn that makes me want to watch Gilmore Girls and without fail you can find me taking out the first few seasons that I have on DVD by the second week of September.

Looking forward to: Our trip to the Coast next weekend. I am so excited to get to the ocean.

Reading: I picked up a few preschool homeschooling books and otherwise we are reading a lot of books about the potty over here. Loving: I am loving Trader Joe’s chocolate coconut milk ice cream, spaghetti squash and Saturday mornings lounging in bed with my little family of four.

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 8.13.14

Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 6.53.06 AM

Doing: PACKING! Holy crap we are moving in 3 days. It seems like we still have so much to pack and as much as I hate the thought of it I am guessing we are going to have a few random throw it in a box and sort it out later boxes. Today we actually get to go and see our new townhome which I am excited about. I know you’re probably thinking wait you haven’t seen your new place yet? We are renting a townhome at an apartment complex and when we went for a viewing there weren’t any three bedrooms available to view so we were just able to view their demo apartment which is a two bedroom layout so we are going to view our three bedroom today.

Thinking about: Unpacking and figuring out what we will need for this new place. We are in desperate need of some new household items such as linens and frying pans.  We also need baby gates because this place is three floors. Oh and we have three bathrooms and a new kids room to decorate.

Watching: Too many kids shows. We have been more relaxed with screen time the past few weeks so there have been lots of kids shows on and at night Neil and I have been watching Alphas.

Looking forward to: Moving!

Reading: Nada. Besides children’s books.

Loving: My little family of four. Friends who bring us dinner and friends who bring us doughnuts. Not being pregnant. Sleeping on my back.

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As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 8.4.14

AlderBirth-Born crop

Doing: A whole lot of sitting/laying around and nursing because well thats what one does at 3.5 days postpartum! If you didn’t already know I gave birth to a nice big baby boy on Friday morning and you can read his birth story here. Besides taking it easy I have also been trying to balance life with a newborn who needs me to feed him and a toddler whose world has just been changed overnight – any transition tips would be great! We or rather Neil is also working on finishing packing because we move in 12 days (!!!!).

Thinking about: Everything we need to do in the next 12 weeks and wondering how E will do with the move. Unfortunately we had little control over the timing of all this and of course it all happens at once.

Watching: We have been watching Cover Affairs which I love but we haven’t really found another show that we are into right now. Neil and I also watched Divergent the other night and it was seriously the first time in months that both of us stayed awake from start to finish … too bad the movie was just okay.

Looking forward to: Being healed! I hate not being able to be up and doing things like playing with Edith or cooking or helping pack but right now I know its best I take it easy so I heal more quickly. Also looking forward to moving and getting settled in to life as a family of 4.

Reading: Nada. Besides children’s books.

Loving: Neil <– seriously amazing husband, father and partner. Also loving our two kids (crazy to type that). And loving all the kind words and support via FB, IG and Twitter regarding Alder’s birth. 

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently. 7.10.14


Doing: Nesting. Yeah surprise, surprise! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and full on nesting mode. I over did it a bit yesterday with the cleaning and I can’t wait until I can bend over multiple times and not need a break every 20 minutes. Basically I am getting everything ready for baby #2’s arrival which at this point could be anytime now.

Thinking about: How many things I need to do before this baby arrives and also thinking about life after birth. We are moving in August (I know perfect timing, eh?) to just a new bigger home that is closer to Neil so not a huge move but alas it’s still a move with a toddler and a newborn.  I am also really thinking about postpartum fitness and diet since I’m going to be honest I have been indulging a little too much the past few weeks.

Watching: Lots of YouTube videos – even as I write that it seems pretty strange to me but that’s what I have been doing. Also catching up on a few years worth of Covert Affairs which I am happy to say gets better and better.   

Looking forward to: The weekend! This has been a long week and we have so much to do still before this baby arrives so I am looking forward to having Neil home to help get things done and to catch up on a bunch of work that I am behind on.

Reading: I haven’t really been reading anything besides lots of children’s books to Edith. I started The Book Thief but I just couldn’t fully get into it.

Loving: berries. fans (it’s ridiculously hot here). family time with Edith and Neil.  

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Currently 5.23.14

IMG_7790Doing: At this moment I am working on 8 weeks of meal plans because I am officially crazy. Seriously not sure what has motivated me to do this but I have spent the week (yes week) working on this. I must be nesting.

Thinking about: How long we are going to need to boil our water and how much water we should stock up on. Oh what am I talking about? We have an E.Coli contamination of our water here in Portland. AWESOME, right?

Watching: I have been watching Royal Pains on Nextflix and Neil and I have been watching The Following <– have you watched this yet? Seriously insane!  

Looking forward to: The long weekend! So glad to have Neil home for three full days. I’m also looking forward to a BBQ with friends on Saturday. I think this is the first weekend in years that we haven’t gone out of town for the long weekend so it will be nice to relax.

Reading: Unlike many other Currently updates I actually have been doing a good amount of reading. I read The Casual Vacancy and then I just finished Orange Is The New Black. Right now I am reading The Book Thief and The Conscious Parenting. I loved both The Casual Vacancy and Orange Is The New Black (and no I haven’t watched the series-yet).  Would you be interested in mini book reviews?

Loving: Lemonade. Daily Burn. Maxi Dresses. Full Panel Maternity Shorts. 

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.