Big News!
Dear CVL Readers,
Over the next few weeks Cook.Vegan.Lover. will be experiencing a number of changes, the first of which is a name change. This is something that I have been contemplating doing for the past year and I have finally decided it is time to make a change.
CVL started out as “Cooking For A Vegan Lover” and over time I made the small change to Cook.Vegan.Lover. because I was not longer just cooking for my vegan lover, but I became vegan myself (shortly after starting Cooking For A Vegan Lover). Over the years CVL has developed as a blog and has gone from being a vegan food blog to a vegan lifestyle blog to it’s current state as a Vegan Healthy Living Blog. As much as I have tried to use “lover” as a cover for all the things I love, I have come to terms with the fact the Cook.Vegan.Lover just isn’t a fitting name for my blog any longer. It is now time to move on.
Launching in the next 3 weeks will be my newest project, Running with Tongs. It is going to be a vegan healthy living blog, encompassing all of the things I hold most important. In essence you will still be reading the same things that I would have posted on CVL and all of the posts of CVL will be transitioned over to Running with Tongs, but you will also see more features on healthy living (i.e. running, physical activity, healthy living tips and information). So here is a break down what will stay the same and what new changes you will see :
- VEGAN recipes
- Vegan Product reviews and giveaways T
- ravel posts (vegan restaurants, healthy travel, attractions)
- Running and physical activity posts *new-ish* (will be more consistent)
- Healthy living and eating tips *not new but you’ll see more*
- Daily Posts *new-ish* (I will be doing more consistent daily life posts)
- New and IMPROVED blog look and layout
- New URL
- New email:
- New Facebook: Running With Tongs *Like Me*
- New Twitter Handle: TBA *If you already follow me on twitter no need to do anything the only thing that is changing is my twitter name and I’ll tweet when it does!*
- New Features: TBA
As you can see there will not be any major content changes just more daily posts, healthy living posts and active lifestyle posts. There will be improvements to the aesthetics, layout and features on the blog which needed to be updated on CVL as it is. The major changes are the new look, URL, email, facebook and twitter. Thank you all for your committed readership and I look forward to you reading Running with Tongs.
P.S. While we are transitioning, will direct you to but as soon as Running with Tongs is launched I encourage you to update your reader with the correct RSS feed
ALSO starting December 1st will be my annual 12 Days of Giveaways that will include a number of really great items including food, running, yoga and beauty products and more!
Thank you for support and I hope you enjoy the new blog!