I shared this post over on my Instagram but I thought why not share this here as well. It’s been awhile since I have shared an about me and thought why not?
1 | Superpower: Cooking dinner with hungry children at my feet and sharing tips on on how to balance health and wellness while also being a mama. Oh and because mamahood isn’t easy I like to share the good with struggles.
2 | Can’t Live Without: a notebook and a pen, an eye mask for sleeping and pasta.
3 | Believe In: the positive effects of nature while also struggling to believe in myself.
4 | mama to: three incredible little people who teach me something new everyday.
5 | wife to: a rock climbing, computer nerd and incredible man.
6 | health coach: who feels incredible privilege to support women on their journey to optimal health and wellness.
7 | blogger: with two different blogs that are sometimes hard to balance these days.
8| about to turn 33 years old but absolutely hates celebrating her birthday (I don’t mind getting older though).
9 | thinking about how/where I can make time for more self-care.
10 | grew up on the east coast (Vermont) and while I love PDX I’m always an East Coast girl at heart.
Okay, your turn! Share below or tag me in your post so I can learn 10 things about you!