FITNESS FRIDAY | DietBet After and Beyond


Happy Fitness Friday on Saturday! You’d think I’d get myself in a better routine so I wasn’t posting a day late but alas a day late is better than never right? Or maybe I should just change this post to [fill in the blank] Saturday – leave your ideas in the comments.

So Monday marks the end of my DietBet game and well I’ll just come out and say it I didn’t win. I had to lose around 9 pounds to win and that being said I knew it would be a long shot. That all being said I did lose 4 pounds! That’s 1 pound per week which I think it is a pretty healthy amount of weight. On top of losing a few pounds I have also got myself back into a semi-regular fitness routine and have improved my diet. While I have made improvements over the past four weeks there is still a long way to go before I reach my final goals.

DietBet Before & After

So what’s next? Like I said I have got myself back on a semi-regular fitness routine and my goal is to make it a regular routine. To do so Neil and I are going to sit down this weekend and come up with a workout time plan so that both of us are really able to take time during the week to workout without guilt. I say without guilt because as parents of two small children it can sometimes be mentally really challenging to make time for yourself and commit to that but we both know we need to so we are making it a priority.

I also have been doing okay with drinking enough water but I sometimes have days when I completely forget about it and just don’t drink enough. Lately I have been having a harder time because Neil “stole” my Blender bottle aka my favorite water bottle and so I haven’t been drinking as much as I should be. That being said I am going to get myself a new Blender bottle and make it my goal to drink at least 4-28oz bottles by 7pm.

Lastly, while eating healthy is going pretty well I am focusing on eating well about 75% of the time and I would really like it to be more like 85-90% of the time. I am all about eating in moderation so I do think that there is a time and place to indulge a little but I know that sometimes I indulge more than I need to. To help me be successful I am making it my goal to do bi-weekly meal planning and weekly meal prep. I also am going to make sure to buy more healthy snacks to have in the house because that is one of my downfalls. I don’t buy enough healthy snacks and then I am feeling snack-y and pick up rice chips or bean chips from Whole Foods and Neil and I eat an entire bag – not good!

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