I am behind. Or at least it feels that way.
Behind on blog posts, behind on housework, behind on getting ready for this baby, behind on my workouts…
Maybe it’s nesting or finally realizing that um we are going to have a baby sometime in the next 6-11 weeks. I just am feeling like I have so much to do and I haven’t been making time to do it. Yes, I haven’t been making the time. It’s not that there hasn’t been time but rather I have been doing other things with my time which lately has mostly been catching up on TV shows almost nightly and well doing nothing but sitting. While I am getting more and more tired out as I get deeper into this third trimester I also know that I could be a little more productive with my free time (aka time when Edith is sleeping).
That all being said Neil is feeling the same way about his nights and weekends and so we have decided to make a change.
Edith (generally) is up from 6/6:30a-12p, naps 12-1:30/2p, and then heads to bed between 6:45-7:30p. During her naptime I often find myself lounging on the couch watching a show. Instead I know I need to use some of this time to get housework done, respond to emails and catch up on blogging or any other task. On days that I need a break instead of watching TV I should be reading or napping.
As for nights it’s so easy to just plop down on the couch and watch TV/browse Pinterest. Instead of doing that the goal is to do something productive including a quick 5 minute pickup around the house.
So this month Neil and I are challenging ourselves (and you) to do the following:
Sunday-Thursday: No TV before 9pm and max of one episode of a show.
Friday & Saturday: No TV before 7pm. No max.
I know this should be easy but when you are an exhausted pregnant lady with a toddler sometimes you just want to veg out on the couch. I know I will thank myself later (especially when #2 arrives) that I was more productive with my time.
How about you? Are you ready to take on the challenge?
Oh my word, I can totally relate to this post. I feel like I don’t enjoy any of my hobbies or do anything product with my time. But I end up flopping in front of the TV during nap time and in the evenings. I’m through the first tri and almost 16 weeks so I feel like I have no excuse now…
Not sure I’m ready to take on the challenge though☺