My New Running Routine

Before having a baby I could go out for a run just about whenever I felt like it.  Training for a race was no problem because I only had work, home and Neil to worry about not another little (demanding) human being. Nowadays workouts involve a lot more preparedness with a lot less planning.

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When Edith first arrived I tried to plan for workouts, carve our time in my day or try to workout in the evenings but as I quickly learned babies are unpredictable and exhausting.  After “missing” workout after workout because either my scheduled time didn’t workout or I was exhausted by the end of the night I knew I had to figure something else out.

Nowadays I put my workout clothes on as soon as I wake up so that I am ready to fit a workout in whenever the window of opportunity opens (or maybe I just put them on because who doesn’t love to wear leggings). I also am taking advantage of the BOB and I would say 99% of my runs are done during the day with Edith in the BOB. Actually now that I think about it I haven’t been on a solo run since moving to Oregon. I could wait until Neil gets home from work to run but honestly by the end of the day I just don’t want to run and I still have dinner to make and a bedtime routine to follow with Edith.

So, I am running 3-4 times per week logging around 6-10 miles right now with plans to increase a little bit each week.  I am also registered for three races, yes THREE! I have a 5k that I am running in April with Edith in the BOB (Neil is running the 5 miler so I’m on BOB duty), I have a quarter marathon in May and another 5k in August.  It feels so good to be back on track with my running and in a real routine even if that routine is less predictable.

How has your running routine changed over time? How do you make time to run?




    • Things are going well now – not sure what is going to happen when I work up to longer distances…or when she gets too heavy for me to comfortably push the BOB but we’ll worry about that later.

  1. I’m just starting to run! But I have two kids that I push in a stroller and it really is hard. I wonder if I should wait until my hubby gets home, but I’m like you. I’m too tired by that time. So I guess I’ll suffer through it until they go to school. Ha. Being a mom can be pretty hard when you have to balance these things out.

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