This weekend we have been pretty busy a little more busy than we should have been but more on that in this weeks postpartum post. We had our doula over for our first postpartum appointment which consisted of us chatting about the birth, about how things are going so far and being new parents, among other things. We also had a few visitors over to meet Edie on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.
One first we gad this weekend was trying out cloth diapering. Make sure to check out my post on Naturally Family tomorrow regarding our cloth diapering plans.
Saturday afternoon Neil and I attempted to venture out to the market to pick up lunch and a few things but upon arriving at the store Edie had a little bit of a break down so her and I stayed in the car while Neil picked up some things. I think she was a little over stimulated from all the new people and it was pretty hot out too. I calmed her down and nursed in the car while Neil picked up lunch, some groceries and a green lemonade for me (bless him).
Today we decided to try and go out for an early breakfast and we were pretty successful. I nursed right before we let in hopes that would fill her up so we could eat without much worry of needing to stop to nurse her. Breakfast went pretty smoothly minus the fact that I ate too fast because I was nervous that Edie would have a little bit of a breakdown and I wanted to be ready to take her outside. Well Neil and I were both able to enjoy our breakfast before the fussing started and I took Edie outside (where she calmed right down) and Neil paid.
Another first for us today was going for a walk with Edie in the Boba Wrap. It took a few tries and 30 minutes of nursing before we could finally go but it was great once we did. We didn’t go far, just about 20 minutes of walking but it was nice to get out.
Emma MacDonald