Interview with Marketing Manager Heather Williams of Manduka
During my visit to Wanderlust Vermont I had the opportunity to speak with Heather Williams of Manduka about what Manduka is doing to green their products as well as their role at Wanderlust and Heathers take on the events. Enjoy!
Q:How did you guys get involved with Wanderlust?
So just because we are such a big part of the yoga community so whenever Wanderlustcame around it just seemed like the perfect fit. Manduka is just into greening thecompany and is so eco-conscious and eco-friendly and Wanderlust has that entireside to it themselves and so it made sense that they were getting a community of yogistogether that cared about those sort of things to celebrate yoga it made sense thatManduka would be involved.
Q:What types of things is Manduka doing to green the company?
So a lot of it is just the products themselves and the materials that go into the productsand some of it is actually the manufacturing process as well. We have one line of matsthat is our eco line of mats that has zero foot print within the land fills and is made out ofnatural tree rubber, so it’s meant to biodegrade. So our other lines of mats are based onthat same idea, they are all made out of recycled material.
Q:What has been your experience here at Wanderlust?
It’s just this fascinating, vibrant community, the energy is fantastic and I feel that evenwith the rain it’s very natural but kind of tends to have people shift in a couple differentways. And so things have gone a couple of ways here at Wanderlust with where thingsare placed, where our sponsorship is and the experience has been great as far as thepeople go. Everybody has been just so glowing about it even though things are kind ofchaos and things are getting shifted around. Everybody has been just really flexible andit’s really beautiful to see that.
Q:So, What kinds of things are you (Manduka) doing here (Wanderlust)?
[Manduka is] sponsoring registration is one of the ways which means we have some signage up forpeople so that they can take photos, free henna and free feather hairs. Once the raintops there is a rig outside that is an aerial rig and there is also a retail space.
the henna designs are gorgeous! it reminds me of lace 😉