I have been blogging sporadically since 2006 and consistently over the last 15 months. Blogging has become a huge passion of mine. I love the community that has embraced me and allows me to learn from them every day. That said, I want to ensure that my contributions to the community are of the highest value. To help me improve my blog, I’ve reached out to you, my readers, for your feedback with my C.V.L. survey. I received a great response and was pleased to find out what you like and dislike about the blog. I received both positive feedback and constructive criticism and hope to grow my blog and myself from all of your input.
A total of 117 people filled out the C.V.L. survey, which included demographic based questions and request for input as to your favorite features and topics are and what you’d like to see more of. Below, you will find a breakdown of the demographics of C.V.L. readers and selected feedback with my responses. Enjoy!
Cook. Vegan. Lover. Demographics
- Female: 91%
- Male: 9%
Your Feedback
Favorite Blog Post Topics (those who filled out the survey could choose any that applied):
- Recipes 94%
- Healthy Living/Self Care 65%
- Daily Eats 57%
- Product Reviews 57%
- Restaurants/Local Dining 50%
- Giveaways 45%
- Travel 44%
- Guest Posts 23%
Topics that you would like to see introduced to the blog or would like to see more of:
- Daily Eats
- Institute for Integrative Nutrition/More information on health counseling and IIN
- Vegan meal plans and grocery lists
- Photos of life/Personal Posts
- Personal and Health Tips
- Simple, Cheap recipes
- Recreation of Restaurant Recipes
- Pizza and Pasta Recipes
- Contests (check out the Valentines Day contest going on right now)
C.V.L. Response: I must say, I was quite surprised by the number of people who wanted to see my daily eats featured more often. While I can’t say that what I have to eat is always very interesting, I will do my best to accommodate that request for sure! I will also make more of an effort to keep you apprised of the goings on in my life with more photo posts and personal posts as well. I am flattered that you all have taken such an interest in me!
For those of you who’d like to see me tackle recreating the recipes of your favorite restaurants, I’m always up for a challenge! I will often go through the menus of some of my favorite restaurants (as well as interesting restaurants I’ve never been to!) and take inspiration from them and do my best to create my own version. If you have any specific restaurants or recipes you’d like to see me attempt, please e-mail me at lindsay@cookingforaveganlover.com with your suggestions!
Personalized Comments by You:
“I would love to see you improve your writing to make the blog more professional. You have wonderful things to show and say, but sometimes run-on sentences, etc. make it more difficult to read.”
I love to see this sort of comment. It is a very helpful and useful critique. I can be guilty of rushing through my posts at times and I am making a concentrated effort lately to work on improving my posts through more careful reviewing and editing before pressing publish.
“I would love to see more commentary along with your recipes.”
This is a comment that I get frequently and I agree that it would be really enhance my recipe posts if I added a bit of commentary to them.
“[Improve] photography clarity.”
This is one part of the blog that I realized needed to be worked on. I had the Hubz build me a makeshift light box from an old box, a white shower curtain and some scrapbook paper. I feel that this has helped my food photography a lot and hope that you all feel the same way. As they say, a picture’s worth a thousand words!
“I really like your blog as it speaks to a set of values I really relate to. I have just begun the IIN program and have your site to thank for initially pointing out the program in the first place. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I love your recipes, they are easy and yummy”
It makes me really excited to hear that others have become interested in IIN via my blog. It is a really great program and per readers request I will be posting more about the program and my experience with it.
“I think you’re doing awesome, and I love your blog! But, maybe you could do an inspirational story every now and then- those are well loved and popular.”
I would be honored to share parts of my life that may help me to inspire others, if there are any particular stories you’d like to see, please get in touch at lindsay@cookingforaveganlover.com
This survey has been a great learning experience for me and I only hope to continue to learn more from this great community that I truly consider to be my friends.
I’m glad that the survey helped you with improving some on your blog.
It’s always nice to hear what some people have to say good or bad.