1. Furniture I tend to buy at IKEA, house decor at either IKEA or Target, vacuum – I’ve never had a problem with my Bissell, w/d I don’t own one but I hear the LG or Kenmore brands are good w/ a lot of options.

  2. I never really thought about home comfort coming from the vibe of a place before. I guess I complain a lot about my small apartment, but I sure am grateful to come home to it! Good luck with your move!

  3. We moved from a very oppressive house (lousy neighbors) to an area that really suits us more with a private backyard. It made a huge difference in our quality of life. Your apartment sounds ideal- and in one of my favorite places.

  4. Well this is a funny one…..we actually spend a ton of time at home. Our work, yes, I suppose WE are the “fiddlers” here (violists actually), let’s us spend a lot of time at home. And it’s not that we have a really comfy home, because we really have no furniture! Ok, we have 2 papasan chairs my parents gave us and a folding table for a dining room table. We move SO much, it’s easier this way. Although, I would LOVE to be able to move into a real home one day and have real furniture, not a box for a side table, LOL!

  5. I love being at home, and am there 90% of the time when I’m not working…making food, reading blogs, snuggling with the kitties. Your new apartment sounds lovely! I used to live right outside Burlington (in Essex Junction) for about 6 months. Vermont is really a lovely place, I hope I get back there sometime soon. Good luck with all your upcoming changes!

  6. I love the new look!!! Awesome. And I love being at home. I usually spend at least one weekend day completely at home, maybe only leaving once for the gym or a grocery store run. And I tend to stay home after work on week nights. Good luck with the move. Sounds like your new place will be awesome!

  7. I spend nearly all my time at home, and have for most of the last 3 years. As a grad student, I could work at home. I was also unhappy and created a safe space for myself in my apartment. I’ve always found it really important to be comfortable in my living space, though sometime I’m afraid I may isolate myself a bit by getting TOO comfortable. But at the same time, for my sanity, home is so important.

    Now I only work a few hours a week on my stipend and have loads of free time. I’m also on a budget, and my friends are spread out throughout the country, so I’ve got a lot of alone time. I spent way too much money on furniture when I moved in here, but I need a comfortable place to spend my time. I cook a lot, do work, keep in touch with fam & friends in the US, relax…largely all at home. I need the opposite of your challenge…spend more days out being completely busy!

  8. I work from home so it is easier and sometimes I feel I need to be out but I know I am blessed be home and working at the same time. My hubby wants me not to work anymore in the near future so I can focus on other things.

    We buy furniture and try to find good deals on Craigslist. We have not had bad luck. We also like going to estate sales because it is good solid furniture.

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