Trading the Beach for the City

Hey Everyone!

I’m so glad it’s finally Friday and the weekend is here! I am finally feeling better so this weekend will be great.  I also started a cleanse which is making my body feel wonderful.  The good people at Garden of Life sent me their Raw Cleanse kit to try out as well as their raw prenatals; no we are not pregnant but I am preparing my body for the future how ever far that might be.

Anyways I am on Day 2 of my 7 day cleanse and it feels great already. Basically there are three steps that you take each day for 7 days and it helps cleanse the body and aid in digestion. Now powders are the most appetizing but if you over look that and consider how your body feels it’s worth it, so far.  I will update you again in a few days and once I have completed my 7 days.

Also news that I am so excited for we ARE going to go on a vacation this year but it just isn’t going to be down south we have traded the beach for the city. You are probably asking….well What city then?

WASHINGTON DC! Now I haven’t been there in like 10+ years and it will be hubby’s first time so I would love suggestions of places to eat, shop, see, drink, ect.  So please send any suggestions my way. Thank you in advance.

Q: Are you a city person or a beach person?


  1. I used to be a city person, but I’m slowly transitioning into country lover. If we took a vacation, it def would not be to a city, haha.

    Yay for cleansing. Can’t wait to hear how it all turns out in the end.

  2. Interested in reading about how the cleanse goes! I’ve always been so curious about cleanses, starting the body a new, sounds so refreshing!! Have a great weekend 🙂 take care!

  3. Thats so awesome about getting that cleanse kit 🙂

    I would say im a city girl at heart, although i have never lived in a big one. However i can appreciate nature too.

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