1. Congrats, congrats! Sounds like such a great day overall (though sorry about the clothes not fitting. . . I know that feeling even w/o being pregnant!) 😉

  2. Congrats on the job! As for new clothes, I tend to go on one big shopping spree in the fall/winter and one in spring/summer. I’m not a huge fan of clothes shopping, mainly because the stores I shop in are way, way out in the suburbs. I live in the artsy center of the city where there’s no retail except a few cutesy gift shops and overpriced boutiques.

  3. Vanessa Sae-hee

    Congrats! I’m a Burlington Vegan myself and work at Single Pebble!! I have probably seen you at HL also…(used to work there)…and how is Duende? I am so curious!!

  4. JL

    Congrats on your new position! I tend to shop in a store (sizing is off for me…hips and waist tend to two different sizes) and I usually do shopping in October and April — just to pick up a few new items for the season.

    (p.s. Brand new vegan here — well vegetarian for seven years, vegan for one month — and your blog has been helpful!

    • cookingforaveganlover

      Awww thanks! I am glad that my blog has been a resource for you and your veganism! If you have any questions let me know!

  5. Yayayayay new job!!! 🙂

    I always buy clothes in stores, and just whenever I find a great deal or something I really love…I have lots of clothes so I guess that’s why I don’t go shopping too much. I prefer grocery shopping too 😛 lol

    I can never find clothes online that fit. I don’t even wear the same size in the same brand for pants and jeans, and some tops will swallow me in one size or be skin tight in the same size. I definitely have to try on clothes to see how it feels, fits and looks.

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