1. You have been getting quite creative – I’m not sure black beans and cabbage would fly for me, but I do love this idea and really need to follow suit.. you must be saving a lot!

    • cookingforaveganlover

      I have been doing really well actually! The black beans are great, even my hubby is loving them. I forgot how much better dried beans are versus canned and how much further they can go. I am actually surprised that we have been doing so well with the challenge and I actually didn’t end up making everything that I had planned so I have lots of resources for the next week. I am hopping that I can continue on this challenge for a few more weeks. It’s great to be saving the money, eating well and eating new dishes.

  2. I love this challenge you’re doing, it’s inspired me to do my own! I’m going to work to clean out the pantry/freezer and only shopping for things I really need!

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