If you are vegan then you probably know about Vega, by Sequel Naturals which makes plant-based whole food products, if you haven’t heard of Vega yet then it is time to jump online read all about them and then head out to your local natural foods store and pick some items up.
I was given the opportunity to try Vega’s Complete Whole Food Health Optimizers and Vega’s new Whole Food Vibrancy Bars. The Complete Whole Food Health Optimizers are great in smoothies- I like the chocolate with 1 sliced frozen banana and 1 cup of nondairy milk (usually almond).
The Whole Food Vibrancy Bars are great I loved Green Synergy. I enjoyed it at the end of my work day when I need a pick me up before I went home to use the elliptical and it was great and kept me energized and satisfied through my workout until dinner.
There are a number of other products by vega that I have not tried yet but hear great things about; these include:
- Whole Food Smoothie Fusion
- Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend
- Vega Sport Performance Optimizer
- Vega Energy Bars
Hmm I would love to try the bars. I bet I’d like them, for sure.